The general objectives of NHAS 2024 include the following:
  1. To hold the National HIV and AIDS Scientific Meeting 2024 to showcase innovations in the HIV and AIDS response in Uganda based on the thematic areas
  2. To convene stakeholders in the national HIV and AIDS response to discuss the Annual Joint AIDS Review report
  3. To hold the Philly Lutaaya Commemoration to rally the country against HIV and AIDS-related stigma and discrimination
  4. To convene the Partnership Forum involving partners in all sectors to validate the JAR undertakings


The National HIV and AIDS Symposium 2024, will feature the National HIV and AIDS Scientific Meeting, the Annual Joint AIDS Review, the Philly Lutaaya Memorial Lecture, Financing Dialogue, programming and science exhibitions, and the Partnership forum.




After over four decades of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Uganda, the epidemic is described as mature and generalized, but with concentrated sub-epidemics in key and vulnerable populations.




Uganda AIDS Commission

Plot 1-3 Salim Bay Rd, Ntinda

P.O Box 10779, Kampala, Uganda 

Phone: + 256 414 288065

Email: uac@uac.go.ug

Website: www.uac.go.ug