Uganda AIDS Commission conducts Joint Annual AIDS Reviews of the implementation of the National HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan (NSP) to fulfill its mandate of Strategic Information management for the response including reporting obligations. The 2023 JAR/ Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting marks the seventh year of reporting on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the 6th year of the PFTI implementation. SDG 3 (“Good health and well-being”) has among its targets the goal of ending communicable diseases including HIV and AIDS (‘By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases, and other communicable diseases’). JAR 2023 also comes after the Mid Term review of the NSP 2020/21 – 2024/25.

To operationalize the NSP, UAC and partners developed a National Priority Action Plan (NPAP), which articulates activities by stakeholders for each strategic action. The NPAP spells out output results, time frame, and lead sectors for implementation of strategic actions. The M&E plan for the NSP lays out a framework for tracking and evaluating the interventions. UAC also worked with partners to develop the National HIV and AIDS Research Agenda 2020/2021 – 2024/2025.  UAC therefore organizes the Annual National HIV and AIDS Scientific Meeting to provide a platform for programmers and scientists to discuss progress and challenges in implementation of the research agenda and the HIV response generally, and to dialogue on solutions to the challenges. 




After over four decades of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Uganda, the epidemic is described as mature and generalized, but with concentrated sub-epidemics in key and vulnerable populations.




Uganda AIDS Commission

Plot 1-3 Salim Bay Rd, Ntinda

P.O Box 10779, Kampala, Uganda 

Phone: + 256 414 288065

Email: uac@uac.go.ug

Website: www.uac.go.ug